
Brown trout

Brown (or Brooke) Trout belong to the trout family. The color of this beautiful fish is very different. Red spots can be found among a number of brown flecks in different sizes on the head, gills and back. The back is a greenish brown color, the stomach ranges from yellow to white. The body has a torpedo-like form. The mouth opening reaches back behind the eyes. The tail fins are somewhat indented but they are straighter on older fish.

Rainbow trout

Rainbow Trout likewise belong to the trout family. Their backs, back fins as well as the fat area and tail fins are covered with many black dots. Mainly one sees white foam along the pelvic fins.
The back is a dark to brownish green colour, the sides are brighter and the stomach is a silvery colour underneath. The body has a torpedo-like form and is flattened laterally. The mouth opening reaches back behind the eyes. The jaws are reinforced by top teeth. Older males usually have a lower jaw bone.

Fly fishing_Grayling_HuntAustria


Grayling also belong to the trout family. The body is stretched out and somewhat flattened laterally, which sometimes gives this fish a high-backed form. The head to the mouth is cone-shaped. The small mouth has an under bite. The back fin is like a flag and is conspicuously high and multi-coloured.
Their habitat is cool, fast flowing water, occasionally they are also found in Alpine lakes. This species lives mostly in free water and needs no shelter. As a diet they consume larvae, various insects and also other small creatures.


The char species belong to the salmon family and have fins typical of all salmon. The body form is very streamlined. This species shows extraordinary diversity from one fish to another, and some are much larger than other salmon species.
The Char can be found all over the world’s northern hemisphere. They prefer as a rule cold, clear fresh water. Only a few of these species migrate to salt water. Char are predominately fresh water fish, although many have advanced into arctic waters.
