Scientific name: Lyrurus tetrix
In Austria the habitat of the black grouse is along the entire Alpine range over an altitude of 1300 m, in the area of the mountain pine, dwarf shrub, mat and pastures regions.
During the rut period they use wide and open areas with short vegetation or non vegetation places. For breeding is a semi-open areas with a higher herbaceous layer important. The chicks find food to nutrient-rich areas . In winter wooded areas provide food.
Hunting season
The month of May
End of April, during whole May and beginning June
The authorities allow a very limited number of Black grouse to hunt after certain criteria.
Using a blind build from branches and twigs of the trees occurring get used to hunt on the Grouse. Sitting into the blind before twilight is essential. Just a small window allow a view to the mating place because Black grouse can see very well.
We use mostly a rifle/shot gun combined gun. Depending on the distance we use the either the bullet or the cartridge.
3 or 3,5 mm scrap
The whole bird get fixed from the taxidermist in the pose of mating or according to the wishes of the guest!